Spinach and Bacon Salad

【1 Cutting 3 minutes】
Cut bacon into 1cm wide pieces . Cut garlic into thin slices.
【2 Stir frying 4 minutes】
Place olive oil in frying pan and heat over medium heat until oil is hot. Add bacon and sliced garlic from Step 【1】 to pan, and stir fry until garlic has a slight golden-brown color.👉 Wait until the oil in the frying pan becomes smooth before adding the ingredients.
👉A good rule of thumb is to stir-fry until garlic is fragerant.

【3 Plating 3 minutes】
Pour the special dressing base into a small bowl. Combine bacon, garlic, and olive oil from Step【2】 into the special dressing base and mixing well. Place spinach in a bowl and pour the dressing on top.👉 The dressing can be enjoyed piping hot or after it has cooled.